Jazz Services Statement on ACE Funding Announcement

The board of Jazz Services, chaired by Bob Blizzard, has put out this statement today: "Jazz Services is disappointed with the substantial cut in its Arts Council funding. However, we are still very much in business and are determined to deliver an exciting programme, in partnership with NYJO, which develops and promotes British jazz from the grassroots to international showcasing, and we will be seeking financial support from the public for our popular magazine, Jazz UK. Overall, a golden opportunity has been missed to redress the imbalance in financial support for the main musical genres in which jazz remains grossly underfunded in relation to the size of its audience." What does LondonJazz think? I refused to publish some of the insulting comments targeted at the Arts Council funded bodies yesterday, partly because they were borderline libellous, but also because I believe so strongly that we, all of us, collectively are in a GROWTH SECTOR. British jazz is becoming better organized and more unified by the month, and the fact that some people are more fluent in Arts Council-speak than others will progreessively even itself out as the numbers grow, as jazz becomes harder to ignore on the radar. We have a long way to go before we can get to the levels of recognition of the French or the Norwegians, but things are definitely happening.