Arts Council Funding Decisions

Arts Council England announced todaythe grants it will give to the organisations it funds regularly, and significant changes in the portfolio of organisations it funds

Here is how organisations relevant to jazz in London have fared.

The numbers are for 2010/11, 2011/12 and 2012/13 (£'000)

Serious Events
: 505/470/449
Jazz Services : 465/433/340
Tomorrows Warriors : 174/162/162
Resonance FM : 93/87/160

A few relevant large organisations in London fared as folows:
Southbank Centre : 22173/20643/19714
Royal Opera : 28294/26342/25208
Barbican : 261/245/570

Outside of London, some organisations which look as if they have disappeared, are in fact being absorbed/ rationalized.

Birmingham Jazz, as a producer, applied jointly with Town Hall Symphony Hall.

NWJazzworks in Manchester is absorbed within the Manchester Jazz Festival. East Midlands Jazz gets a substantial increase.

UPDATE: Here is the list of RFOs which will no longer receive Arts Council money. A wordsearch for jazz produces four: NWJazzworks and Birmingham Jazz as mentioned above, but also Jazz Action in the North East, and Jazz Yorkshire, based in Leeds. Informal contacts with the Northern organizations are suggesting that there will be some positive outcomes.

Overall, jazz represents a tiny proportion of Arts Council funding.

This spreadsheet gives the complete list, in order of region.