How to Create Your Own Music Website

The music industry is changing quickly, and modern technology now allows musicians to create and promote their own music tracks without the necessity of a music distribution company or recording contract. One of the most important steps in promoting music for a new artist is to create your own music website. Musicians who are familiar with the web can easily create a website on their own server, but for those who do not work well with HTML/JAVA, creating your own music website can be as easy as starting a new profile on a social network you already use.(create fan pages or groups)

Build your own website. The easiest way to build a music website is to host it on a social network, but if you are HTML savvy and have a website builder or HTML editor, you can design your website for uploading on your own server. If you use your own server, you will have to pay more for web hosting. While social networking music sites are the very easiest to make, a hosted website on your own domain with your own advertising will end up more profitable for you if your website becomes most popular.

Get a good domain name to redirect to your website. Regardless of whether you choose to host your site on a social network for free or to pay for your own hosting, a properly chosen domain name like .com will increase your search traffic and make it easy for your music fans to find you. A good domain name will include your band or artist name in the domain itself so it can be easily indexed by Google, Yahoo.

Get your site some links. Users will not be able to find your site unless it is linked from other sites on the web. If you are hosting your own music page on a social networking site, the best way to get links to your content is to befriend other members of the social network. If you chose to host your own site, you can use Digg, Twitter, Facebook and other networks to get links to your website. You can ask a friend with a website to link to you. Links are very important because they raise the value and search ranking of your website in Google and other search engines.