April 25th, 606 Club- Queensland Relief Fund Charity Concert

PREVIEW: CHARITY CONCERT IN AID OF THE QUEENSLAND RELIEF FUND Trudy Kerr writes about a special event at the 606 Club on Monday April 25th

When Sophie Garner contacted me to tell me that she was organising a fundraising event for the victims of the Queensland Floods, I was touched.

I am a Queenslander, born and bred, but have lived in London for the past 20 years. It is hard to imagine the size of the area destroyed by flood in Queensland but indeed entire towns have been wiped out. (not to diminish the recent devastation in Japan where so many lives were lost) In Toowoomba they received 150 mm of rain in 40 minutes, creating an inland tsunami with 7 metre high waves. The water could not be contained by the dam that protects Brisbane, so the equivalent of two Sydney Harbours of water had to be released daily and this caused Brisbane to flood.

Although my immediate family were not affected, some of my relatives and friends have suffered from flooded homes and lost jobs. Also the beautiful Brisbane Jazz Club (above), the hub of live jazz in Queensland on the banks of the Brisbane River, was completely submerged by the flood and needs donations for a complete rebuild.

In true British style, with a heartfelt conscience for those less fortunate, many of the great UK singers and musicians have united to offer their services free of charge for the event at the 606 club in Chelsea. Steve Rubie at the club has also been extremely generous, offering his club for this special night too.

So, people of London, come to the 606 on Monday 25th April and please give generously to the Queensland Flood Appeal.

You will be entertained by this star-studded line up: -

Sophie Garner
Ian Shaw
Liane Carroll
Gill Manly
Natalie Williams
Georgia Mancio
Emma Blake
Kaz Simmons
Kerry Hodgkin
Polly Gibbons
Nia Lynn
Pete Churchill
Mark Fletcher
Janette Mason
Simon Little
Simon Wallace

There'll a song from me too, and with this kind of event, you just never know who might show up on the night. So come along and support!

More details on the 606 Club website. Admission £18