Hi Friends and fellow jazz lovers
This is a general e-mail to say that I will be retiring from the 606 Club in March.
After many years of job satisfaction and pleasure, it's time for me to step back - or is it forward? I love the quote that Mike Ketley has on his e-mails "If we are doing something that we truly love we never work a day in our lives" - how true!
Musicians never retire and it has been a great privilege for me to be part of the evolving careers of some of the finest musical talent; the rehearsals, the gigs, the relationships established and children born. I love the respect that exists between the musicians, the camaraderie and the continuing artistic development within the jazz community. The 606 Club is instrumental in providing a platform and nurturing our musicians here in the UK.
No two days are the same at the 606 Club and I have huge respect for Steve at the helm. When I first joined the office it was in the basement with one phone, a computer and a dot matrix printer - I used to fax the monthly listings (some of you may remember) no e-mail!!!
We've moved on a pace big time since then, We are fully networked have a membership, musicians and PR data base (hence me e-mailing you), we send out a weekly e-letter, have a full coloured monthly programme and run and manage our own web site in house.
Multi-tasking is our speciality here. Rehearsals & filming at the Club during the day, restaurant bookings, private hire at night. Organising festivals, running the music agency, selling advertising and organising the monthly mail out of the gig guide, as well as maintaining our membership data base, updating the web site and keeping the good relationships we have with you guys who likewise are involved in the industry, supporting and loving the music - which is what it's all about! I have had so much enjoyment from knowing and working with you all.
We all give that little bit extra and over the years my job has kind of grown with me. Steve is taking the opportunity, with my departure, to re-organise the 606 Club office, so if you know of anyone who might be suited or interested to work here at the Club please do e-mail CV's to steve@606club.co.uk
Hope to see you all soon and at least before I leave – I’ll still be around.
Thanks for being there
Best Regards