This week's Prize Draw: Jonathan Kreisberg Quartet

This week's prize draw for newsletter readers is a pair of tickets for the top New York quartet of Jonathan Kreisberg (guitar), Will Vinson (alto saxophone and piano), Hans Glawischnig(bass) and Mark Ferber (drums) at Pizza Express on Wednesday March 2nd.

I vividly remember being bowled over by the subtlety and occasional gentleness of Kreisberg's playing as part of Ari Hoenig's group at Road Trip in Shoreditch, and on that groups CD, Berts Playground. Here are some other plaudits off Kreisberg's website. Glawischnig, originally from Graz, has quite some pedigree too...

Road Trip. ...Shoreditch. March 2009. ...It was my tenth review for this site.... How time flies!