Threat of shutdown at Hillingdon Music Service

Jack Fallow expresses his concern about the withdrawal of council funding from Hillingdon Music Service

On Thursday evening, Hillingdon councillors will meet to consider closing their music education. And what they intend to discuss is a cut. Not just trimming the budget, but completely withdrawing funding, which will lead to a shutdown of the service.

If you are not from Hillingdon, you are probably imagining that this is a Labour wheeze to embarrass Cameron. But wait, Hillingdon is a Tory council, so that is not the answer. John Randall, their MP, is Deputy Chief Whip for Cameron. He wont be pushing music as a cost saver given that Mr Gove is so enthusiastic.

Over 400 children attend Hillingdon bands, orchestras and choirs each week. The photo is of the Concert Band on tour. Nearly 2000 young musicians receive lessons in schools.

Unless the councillors change their mind, the beat is about to stop in Hillingdon.

Write to Council Leader Raymond Puddifooot:

An Early Day Motion was proposed in the House of Commons yesterday