Zena James : Captivated- CD Launch and Prize Draw

Zena James will be launching her second CD Captivated at the Pizza Express Dean Street this Sunday. For LondonJazz newsletter readers, it's also this week's prize draw.

There have been four years between her first album "Tell Me More" and this one. Sound clips from both are HERE. There are clear differences. The voice was lighter in the earlier album, the whole approach more elusive and slightly kittenish. Zena now interprets the words far more directly and emotionally.

Simon Allen and Mike Bradley are on both albums. But the switch in piano player from Geoff Castle to Rob Taggart also means more emphasis, the digging and the grooving are decidedly deeper. I'm still listening to the CD and shall continue to do so- it's (highly enjoyable) work in progress.

Please sign up for the email list if you haven't already, so you can put your name in the hat for the CD, and come on down to see Zena at the Pizza on Sunday.
