Britjazzweek in Germany

Impressive work promoting British jazz in Germany from Burkhard Hopper of Air Artist Agency.

*Britjazzweek is more like two weeks (March 14th to 26th) than a week.

*It has six bands touring: Get The Blessing, Kit Downes Trio, Jason Yarde and Andrew McCormack, and bands led by Julian Siegel, Soweto Kinch and Arun Ghosh.

*It encompasses eleven venues in ten cities in Germany and Austria:

Berlin, A-Trane; Hamburg, Birdland;
Dortmund, Domicile; Köln Stadtgarten; München, Unterfahrt;
Karlsruhe, Tollhaus/ Kulturzentrum Tempel; Lüdinghausen, Burg Vischering; Frankfurt, Brotfabrik; Mannheim, Alte Feuerwache; Passau, Café Museum; Innsbruck, Treibhaus; Linz, Oxymoron ; Wien, Porgy & Bess

The full gig listing is HERE