London Jazz Festival- Thanks on Thanksgiving Day

Having just posted our twenty-eighth and final London Jazz Festival review, it is time to take stock; to offer a few thanks on Thanksgiving Day - with a little help from the late Nat Adderley on his birthday; and possibly to slow down.

-We have produced - in total - fifty-one pieces relating to the festival, this one not included. They were:

-Twenty previews
-A curtain-raiser and list of previews on the first day
-Twenty-eight reviews
-One which was not quite a review

-A "how was the Festival for you?" piece


-A total of twenty-two wonderful people have made contributions to the site. So a huge thank you (in alphabetical order of surname) to all of you:

Jeanie, Tim, William, Rod, Lisa,
Thomas, Frank, Patrick, Rosie,Fran,
Alison, Sarah, Andrew, Mark, Alyn, Peter,
Adam, Roger, Jon, Alex, Oliver and Geoffrey.

And to the festival organizers and others associated with it. And the musicians and venues...