Quick method for building Music Web Sites

This is the quick method for building music web sites. Now you can easily build up your own Music Web Site. Simply follow these few steps and get success. 
Create a website using a free website builder program, such as weebly.com/yola.com or webs.com.(If you like to use blogger, No problem) Select a quality template from the existing templates offered by the website builder program you have chosen. There are many templates to suit many different styles. Add pictures to your music website by uploading matching pictures. You should own the copyright for the pictures to avoid any copyright issues. Add your pictures by clicking the "Add images" button in the template.
Write the relevant and unique content for your website.(Content is king) You need to make clear what type of music website you are running. If it is a portfolio website to display your own music, make sure your visitors know this when visiting the home page. If you are creating a music website that talks about musical artists and their achievements, you need to do some research and get the proper facts. The content for a website is the most important aspect of a website, so it needs to be well written and factual. Add your content by clicking the "Add Text" button in the website builder template.
Add music examples and videos to your site and also write album reviews. You can either use one of the template features to upload a music video, by clicking the "Insert Video" button in the website builder template you have chosen, or simply place links to other websites to avoid any copyright issues. If you do use a song or video on your website, you need to have permission to use it from the artists' labels. In some cases, you may have to pay royalties to display videos and use songs.
Obtain prior permission from labels or artists to let others download the songs or videos on your website. Never allow free music downloads from artists and record labels that did not give you permission. If you have idea to create “Download zone” to your website, choose good web Hosting service.(Godaddy,Hostgater) Save the website and start promoting it. You can start by emailing the website's link to your family and friends, along with linking the site on social media sites, such as Facebook/Digg and Twitter. Start promoting and get success!