New Stocks - Part 1

Our new shipment of stocks just came in here are some of the more interesting items.

1) Man Rui Xing octagonal Erhus

The Man Rui Xing 8 sided Ebony Erhus look gorgeous and sound marvelous. I don't know if its just me but I find his workmanship really classy. The Erhu is feels responsive and sounds comfortably clean. The inner and outer strings and the highs and lows have very good balance. If you are looking for an octagonal Erhu, this is it:

Priced at US$420.


I've scoured the darkest pits and deepest oceans of China for a long time for these, because the 'authentic' ones are so darn expensive. Yes, I've finally found good quality China made Shakuhachis. There aren't many who makes these but this guy makes it well.

Before there were 8. Then there were 7:

Priced at US$200 each. Shipping to USA, Europe and Australia is US$12.