Sticky Sticky Erhu Strings

I'm sure everyone has problems with sticky strings.

When you store your bow on your Erhu, the rosin on your bow inadvertently touches your strings and cause your strings to be sticky. It's a pain to do slides and finger position changing if your strings are sticky.

To prevent the strings from getting sticky, you can put a cloth over your strings when you store your bow.

The cloth can also be used to wipe the dirt and grime off the strings and your Erhu resonator after use.

An alternative is to cover the strings with a piece of paper. This is something that I did when I was young.

Take an A4 size paper and fold it like this:

Slip the middle part of what you just created between the strings and your strings are protected against pesky rosin residue.

(If your qianjing is too low you need to cut the A4 size paper smaller)