Mailing List and Wang Gen Xing Erhus

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Wang Gen Xing is arguably one of the best Erhu makers in China. He is the chief Erhu engineer of Dunhuang - Shanghai No.1 National Musical Instruments Factory.

Besides overseeing the production of thousands of Erhus everyday, he produces his own signature Erhus as well in the comfort of his home. His Erhus are very much sought after because of its exceptional tone. They say it is the most Erhu sounding Erhu you will ever find.

The scarcity of stocks is also one of the reasons for its high value. He's already in his 70s and has a day job supervising Erhu production in Dunhuang so he has a very slow production line. His name has such high intrinsic value that people fake his name on their Erhus to sell at a higher price.

So where is all this heading?

Well, we're picking up a few of his Erhus from his home sometime in January. Wang is only left with 2 small leaf sandalwood Erhus and some aged rosewoods at the moment. He won't be having more of the small leaf sandalwood Erhus anytime soon because there is a complete lack of raw materials for him to work on in the market.

I will be getting 1 small leaf sandalwood Erhu and 2-3 aged rosewood Erhus. The small leaf sandalwood Erhu has already been booked.

If you are interested in the other small leaf sandalwood Erhu or the aged rosewood Erhus, please drop me an email at before 2 January 2008.

And how do you know if you're buying the real thing and not fakes?

If you ever show him the Erhu you bought from us (he's at the Shanghai Music Fair every year) and he says its a fake, I'll double your money back and post an apology on my blog!